The Association For Manufacturing Excellence
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1985 dedicated to helping companies with continuous improvement and their pursuit of excellence. Whether looking to learn about lean manufacturing or one of the continuous improvement tools like value stream mapping, kaizen, lean supply chain, lean new product development, lean accounting, or leadership of lean transformation you've come to the right place. AME is practitioner based which means our events and workshops are hands-on and taught by others who have ñbeen thereî and want to share their experiences. Visit our site to obtain more information on all of our educational opportunities or join AME and start receiving the many benefits of membership including our award-winning Target magazine.
Nonprofit Organization Management
10 - 50
Rolling Meadows, IL, United States

The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1985 dedicated to helping companies with continuous improvement and their pursuit of excellence. Whether looking to learn about lean manufacturing or one of the continuous improvement tools like value stream mapping, kaizen, lean supply chain, lean new product development, lean accounting, or leadership of lean transformation you've come to the right place.

AME is practitioner based which means our events and workshops are hands-on and taught by others who have ñbeen thereî and want to share their experiences. Visit our site to obtain more information on all of our educational opportunities or join AME and start receiving the many benefits of membership including our award-winning Target magazine.

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  • 5 SDKs
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  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: org.ame.AME
  • App Size: 2.62 M
  • Version: 1.36
  • Release Date: September 20th, 2016
  • Update Date: April 18th, 2020


The Association for Manufacturing Excellence offers the AME Lean Sensei to anyone interested in benchmarking their organization against distinguished AME Excellence Award recipient companies. AME Excellence Award recipients operate at exceptional levels of performance, setting the bar high for achieving success in the search for operational excellence. If you are interested in joining this distinguished group of recipients, the AME Lean Sensei will help you see if you’re ready to apply. If you’re not interested in applying for the AME Excellence Award, the AME Lean Sensei is still a valuable tool to help your organization identify potential areas of focus and improve the way you improve.

How to use the AME Lean Sensei:

Have 5 to 10 key staff members or key knowledgeable associates come together in one room. Include people who have little to do with direct responsibilities for your improvement program activities. Discuss each question and arrive at a letter grade for each answer. The AME Lean Sensei should be used as a systematic process for your team to improve. It is not a survey to be given to all employees but should be used by a team that has some familiarity with basic lean principles.

A+ = Best in class – World-class benchmark
A = Excellent - Sustainable with great results
B = Good results – Definitely going in the right direction
C = On the journey - Some process gaps but striving for improvement
D = More gaps than achievements – Definite area for improvement
F = No achievements in this area – No process documented or followed

Once you select a letter grade for every question, AME Lean Sensei will populate the dashboard and report card automatically. With this information, you can easily see your improvement maturity strengths and weaknesses. The letter scoring is the easy part of the AME Lean Sensei. To truly get the most benefit from the tool you must take the next step. You will see that each question has an area to document proof (for grades B or greater) and an area to document gaps (for grades C or below). The overall score is not important; there is no final destination relative to improvement practices.

How to get the most from this tool :

The best senseis—or teachers— always ask thought-provoking questions and do not give mere answers. The questions asked by the AME Lean Sensei will help you think about how to become best-in- class at your site or facility.

As you answer the AME Lean Sensei, ask yourselves:

- How can we prove this in writing?
- How can we prove this visually?
- Do we have any external benchmarks of excellence for comparative purposes?
- What gaps do we have for each question?

Have we reached the level of excellence necessary to apply for the AME Excellence Award and, if so, how can we engage the entire company in that process?

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Al Preslicka

Nov 22, 2016

Aerospace BB

Awesome approach/questions to assessing and learning about your business. The "pictures" of what good looks like makes the rating process much more objective to reach consensus as to the real operational excellence maturity of the business and provides a vision of how to improve. Well done to all involved in the development

Queen of Lean

Nov 21, 2016

What’s not to love

This app is super user friendly, intuitive and easy to use with our team. The app needs no explanation to get started. The report card dashboard is great; simple and visual! It helps hone in on where to focus to close gaps. Can’t wait for upgrades that incorporate more of the People-Centric Leadership and Respect for People elements as well as other sectors.

VP CI Healthcare

Nov 20, 2016

Great Tool for Free

With AME member contributions the AME lean Sensei is a great tool to help measure and identify gaps in your organization to move the needle towards operational excellence.

Lean Flow Guy

Nov 18, 2016

Culture As Strong As Weakest Ingredient

The survey covers the broad range of elements in a continuous improvement (CI) business culture. Periodically assessing them puts improvement emphasis on the current weakest ingredients, so over time they — and the whole organization — can all achieve a world-class performance level.


Oct 20, 2016


Great tool to asses current state on lean journey! Might not like the total score if answer questions honestly, it A grade is well defined True North!


Oct 18, 2016

Great tool to check your lean progress

This app is very user friendly and offers a simple way to self assess your org. against established lean criteria while also offering a roadmap to reach new levels. Have several people at your site answer the questions and you have an easy way to see if you are aligned as to where you are on the journey. You can also store notes to support your answers. The visual report card points you very quickly to your biggest opportunities.
Launch Services
macOS Launch Services is an API that enables a running app to open other apps or their document files, similar to the Finder or the Dock.Launch Services eliminates apps having to query the Finder to open an app, document, or URL for them. The macOS Finder itself uses Launch Services to perform such tasks. Because the Finder performs no additional processing beyond calling Launch Services, any client using Launch Services for these purposes behaves identically to the Finder.
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Foundation Framework
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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