Rudolph Technologies
Rudolph Technologies, Inc. is a leader in the design, development, manufacture and support of process control inspection and metrology, lithography, and process control software used by semiconductor and advanced packaging device manufacturers worldwide. Rudolph delivers comprehensive solutions throughout the fab with its families of proprietary products that provide critical yield-enhancing information, enabling microelectronic device manufacturers to drive down costs and time to market of their devices. Headquartered in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Rudolph supports its customers with a worldwide sales and service organization.
500 - 1,000
Wilmington, MA, United States

Rudolph Technologies, Inc. is a leader in the design, development, manufacture and support of process control inspection and metrology, lithography, and process control software used by semiconductor and advanced packaging device manufacturers worldwide. Rudolph delivers comprehensive solutions throughout the fab with its families of proprietary products that provide critical yield-enhancing information, enabling microelectronic device manufacturers to drive down costs and time to market of their devices. Headquartered in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Rudolph supports its customers with a worldwide sales and service organization.

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They are headquartered at Wilmington, MA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.