
The Business Post Digital platform provides independent insight, commentary and analysis of the important stories and issues across a broad spectrum of topics: business, finance, politics, technology, markets, media, marketing and personal finance.

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Social
  • Desktop Display, Email, Mobile Display, Social
  • CPM
  • Web Publisher
  • Headline:
    Independent journalism every day
  • Self / Managed Service:
    Managed Service
  • Industries
    Government & Politics, Health & Beauty, Healthcare, Retail, Technology
  • Key Differentiator
    The Sunday Business Post was launched in 1989 and is a must-read for Ireland’s business decision makers. The publication is viewed by key business people as the most important Sunday title to read for their job. The mission of the newspaper is to encourage enterprise and wealth creation in Ireland and to provide readers with information that is of value to them in their personal and professional lives. Reporters who are experts in the areas of business, finance, politics, law, IT, property, and recruitment provide in-depth coverage of the stories that matter to our readers. Our award winning news reporting and news analysis is now available online everyday at www.businesspost.ie
Site Traffic
  • 301515 Global Rank
  • 1827
  • 211 K Estimated Visits
Traffic Sources
  • Search
  • Social
  • Direct
  • Referrals
  • Mail
  • Display
Geography Breakdown
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Alexa Traffic Data
Global Rank 211,815
Ireland Rank 1,538
Ireland Page Views 38.4%
Top Countries
Top Search Keywords
  • Mountain View
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 10 SDKs
  • 2.67 Avg. Rating
  • 6 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.w_8561421
  • App Support: http://www.businesspost.co.kr
  • Genre: news_and_magazines
  • Bundle ID: com.w_8561421
  • App Size: 8.13 M
  • Release Date: February 7th, 2019
  • Update Date: February 7th, 2019


분석하고 전망하는 정통 경제 미디어입니다.
비즈니스포스트는 실물경제와 금융경제 분야에서 벌어지는 경제현상과 경제활동을 심층적으로 분석하고 전망을 제시하는데 중점을 둡니다. 속보 중심의 일반 신문들과 달리 사건과 사고의 배경을 파헤치고 핵심을 짚어내며 미래를 예측하는데 기사의 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

인물 중심의 고급 저널리즘입니다.
비즈니스포스트는 기업과 조직의 의사결정 정점에 있는 인물에 초점을 맞춰 주요 결정과 변화 방향을 분석하는 국내 최초의 본격 인물 미디어입니다. 특히 주요 정책을 결정하는 핵심인물들이 무엇을 왜 고민하고 어떻게 판단하고 대처하는지를 심층적으로 보도해 독자들이 경제현안을 이해하고 미래를 예측하는데 도움을 줍니다.

기업 경영활동을 중점적으로 다룹니다.
비즈니스포스트는 단순한 경제지가 아닙니다. 국가경제의 중심에 있는 기업의 사업내용과 조직구조 등 경영활동에 큰 관심을 갖고 있습니다. 특히 기업 경영진의 의사결정 구조와 과정을 밀도 있게 분석하고 그에 따른 경영성과와 산업 전반에 대한 영향을 조명합니다. 그런 점에서 비즈니스포스트는 한국 유일의 경영경제지입니다.

경제경영의 오피니언 리더들이 핵심독자입니다.
비즈니스포스트의 주 독자층은 주요 기업 CEO와 임원, 정부 고위관료, 교수와 연구원, 금융기업의 애널리스트, 투자전략가 등 한국경제를 움직이는 주역들입니다. 비즈니스포스트의 기사는 외국 정부와 해외 투자기관들이 한국경제와 기업의 동향을 파악하는 자료로 활용하고 있습니다. 또 주요 대학의 경영·경제학 교수진과 학생들이 기업현장과 경영방식 연구에 활용하고 있습니다.

차별화한 인물프로파일 서비스인 Who Is?를 제공합니다.
비즈니스포스트는 한국의 파워피플의 실제 면모를 종합적으로 이해할 수 있는 인물 프로파일 서비스 'Who Is?(후이즈)' 를 제공합니다. 비즈니스포스트의 Who Is?는 단편적인 약력 소개에 머물고 있는 여타 인물 정보와 달리 짧은 전기 형태의 기사로 출고되며 관련 기사도 함께 배치됩니다. 이를 통해 한국의 산업과 기업에서 핵심적 역할을 맡고 있는 인물들의 최근 동향을 비롯해 정확하고 풍부한 정보를 빠르고 입체적으로 파악할 수 있습니다.

AdMob Mediation
AdMob Mediation is a feature that lets you serve ads to your apps from multiple sources, including the AdMob Network, third-party ad networks, and AdMob campaigns. ... This guide is your one-stop shop for integrating mediation into your AdMob app.
Android API
The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system. The framework API consists of: A core set of packages and classes. A set of permissions that applications can request, as well as permission enforcements included in the system
DoubleClick Digital Marketing (DDM) is an integrated ad technology platform that enables advertisers to more effectively create, manage and grow high-impact digital marketing campaigns. DDM brings together world-class solutions to help buyers run holistic programs across multiple channels.
Google Authorization
Google Play services offers a standard authorization flow for all Google APIs and all components of Google Play services. In addition, you can leverage the authorization portion of the Google Play services SDK to gain authorization to services that are not yet supported in the Google Play services platform by using the access token to manually make API requests or using a client library provided by the service provider.
Google Mobile Ads
Ad Manager uses the Google Mobile Ads SDK which helps app developers gain insights about their users and maximize ad revenue. To do so, the default integration of the Mobile Ads SDK collects information such as device information. iOS setup Android setup.
Google Play Game Services
Make your games social with Google Play game services. Add achievements, leaderboards, real-time multiplayer, and other popular features using the Google Play game services SDK. Let players sign in using their Google+ identities and share their gaming experience with friends. Visit developers.google.com/games/services for more information about integrating game services into your app.
Google Play Location APIs
The location APIs make it easy for you to build location-aware applications, without needing to focus on the details of the underlying location technology. They also let you minimize power consumption by using all of the capabilities of the device hardware.
Google Play Services
Google Play services powers a broad set of SDKs on Android to help you build your app, enhance privacy and security, engage users, and grow your business. These SDKs are unique in that they only require a thin client library to be included in your app, as shown in figure 1. At runtime, the client library communicates with the bulk of the SDK's implementation and footprint in Google Play services.
Google Search
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking. Google Search, or simply Google, is a web search engine developed by Google LLC. It is the most used search engine on the World Wide Web across all platforms, with 92.16% market share as of December 2020
Google Sign-In SDK
Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for your users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google Account—the same account they already use with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services. Google Sign-In is also your gateway to connecting with Google’s users and services in a secure manner. You can give your users the opportunity to pay with Google Pay, share with their Google-wide contacts, save a file to Drive, add an event to Calendar, and more. Integrate Google’s user-centric APIs and services inside your app to help your users take action and convert.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
The Business Post advertising reaches 211k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as Ireland, United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands, Italy. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Email, Mobile, Social Advertising on The Business Post will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Health & Beauty, Retail, Healthcare, Technology, Government & Politics.

They are headquartered at Glencullin Lower, Mayo, Ireland, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.

The Business Post works with Advertising technology companies such as Turn, Chango, Videology, The Trade Desk, Neustar AdAdvisor, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, DemDex, Dstillery, MBuy, Resonate Insights, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Atlas, Google Publisher Tag, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, cXense, Facebook Custom Audiences, Twitter Ads, Google Adsense, Google Adsense Asynchronous, LinkedIn Ads, Google Direct, Ads.txt, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.